Monday, February 13, 2012

The REAL No Spin Zone

I've shared this on other sites and will here as well. 

In years past I've been extremely vocal when it came to politics.  This year I'm bowing out of all the banter and spin talk.  Are there really any genuine folks in or running for public office anymore? Has there ever been?  I wonder. 

A candidate can sound really good, but underneath it all lies thiers own personal agenda..with folks lining thiers pockets with cash supporting them.

This year I might not even vote...very STRONG emphasis on might.  If I don't feel like I can give the  candidate morally and ethically  my vote-100% and no reservations then I will with hold my vote.  I believe in Judgement Day, every aspect of our lives laid open.  How we vote (i.e. what we support and agree with) will be evaluated as well.


Needless to say, its hard to log into Facebook or Twitter and not be blasted by the spin zombies-all parties...not just one. All the way down to our local levels mind you. So I'm not logging in quite as much for now.

There's chaos to Left of me, there's chaos to the Right of me...I'm just going to keepwalking the Narrow Path, The Ancient Path and find Rest for my soul. (Jer 6) with my gaze fixed on my Father.  He will see us through.

His Government will ultimately rule forever.

Do the right thing, always.


I'm making plans and I will see it through. Could go one of two ways but I endeavor to succeed.

There really is a silver lining. So cliche but true.

You say you want a Revolution...

The Truth is objective for me. YHWH's Word is the final and sole authority. The Truth is a BEAUTIFUL thing but also as I have learned over the years sometimes the Truth can be a bit harsh at times too...think sandpaper revealing the BEAUTY that lies beneath the rust and dirt and *crap*that has accumulated. That was my experience almost three years ago...I have always cried out for Truth in my walk and YHWH is Faithful and Willing to GIVE...we just have to be willing to recieve what He shows us and then walk in His Ways.

I am now in the process of knocking sacred cows down and destroying them from my walk...the anger i dealt with as I realized I, we, all of us down through the centuries had been fed lies!!! As I started the process, i shoved EVERY book on "christian theology" except my bible aside...some eventually even found themselves in #13!! Anyone can always find someone to tell them what they want to hear and tickle thier ears...but what does the Word of YHWH say!

So in October 2009 I made Teshuvah!! (repentance!) and returned to the way YHWH intended for His kids! The Way. I don't classify myself by any other means...just The Way follower. Saved by Grace through Faith in Yahshua! I now observe His Sabbath on fri sundown to saturday sundown, observe His festivals and celebrate our Wonderful Saviour during these Appointed times (and left the counterfiets of the world: xmas, easter, hell o ween far behind me). Brothers and Sisters we were ROBBED at the council of nicea!! YHWH is restoring order in these last days!! HalleluYah!!!

^the true meaning of the counterfit holi-days have very unsavory histories and YHWH is not pleased by our observance of them AT ALL! **i for one would NOT want to be found playing with them at His return** They are not new holi-days to the church...just new spins put on abominations. Why do you think YHWH was always SOOO upset with the children of Yisrael and thier dabblings with the idolatry and other "mighty ones"....YEP, YEP, YEP...same game the players just have different names now^

Revolution and Reformation for the community of faith has been in my spirit for many, many years now! Let's Rock and Roll!! Return to our Fathers ways and walk in what is written.

(So it goes without saying...i am very disliked in alot of circles! I want the TRUTH, YHWH's whole TRUTH and NOTHING LESS!!)

My 2 cents.


Kettle Bells...Love!!

I'm getting back into shape. I've got a way to go, but I am on the path. You CANNOT obtain and sustain weight loss without exercise and healthy eating. PERIOD. It's calories in vs. calories out. If you're taking in more calories than your body needs the excess will go on vacation around your gut!! I've served the eviction notice. Sweat is fat crying...and there is a whole lotta cryin goin on at my house these!!

I use my lunch break during the week to get my cardio workouts. Recently I discovered kettle bells. Round weights with a handle. The core exercise to working out with kettle bells is The Swing. From the swing many other exercises stem. Kettle bell exercise originated in Russia. Their army uses them to stay fit, lean, and strong.

A site I've found helpful:

Dragon Door has a forum too...great place to ask the trainers. I don't have the luxury of living near a trainer with experience with kettle bells. Just ordered my first DVD from them over the weekend- "hard style Swing". Excited for it to arrive. I get my kettle bells at Walmart. Dragon Door has these for sale too, but a bit pricey. I can already see I need to purchase more bells. I have 5# and 8# bells. I need at least 18# to start. So I'm making do and using the 8# until I can make another Walmart run. Got to start somewhere!!

Helpful blogs on blogger who also work for Dragon Door:

Tracy Reifkind:
Incredible story and look at her now!! She lost over 100# working out with kettle bells and sound nutrition of course.

Her husband Mark Reifkind:

So who knows. :) we will see how it goes. I'll blog about my ups and my downs along the way.

Get out there and get MOVING!!!!!!

Seriously consider adding kettle bells to your program, if you don't have a program..then consider starting with kettle bells!! Do some research on them.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Says a mother to her daughter...

November 25, 2011
Insecurity needs to compare itself to others and look for and exploit flaws of others-always trying to get others to join thier hatefest. Confidence holds its head up, rises above and keeps walking on the high road. Not looking back…always going forward into a bright future.
Says a mother to her daughter

Self portrait in words...

(from my tumbler as well..)


November 25, 2011
Self portrait in words~

*Me*Loyal. Optimist. Faith, Hope, Love. Torah. Yahshua. Hardworking. Love to read!!! Relax. Shabbat. Incurable dork. Hate pork. Laughter! Corny jokes. Mother. Wife. Daughter. Sister. Aunt. Shy. Quiet.  Health Nut. Crochet!!! Levitcal Foodie. (this means kosher) Flexitarian. 2 chihuahua’s 2 cats.   Lessons learned…most the hard way.  Thirsty for Wisdom and Truth. Light. Walking. Outdoors. Garden. Grow your own. Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest.  Facebook is OLD. Tired of it. MUSIC~~Music lover!! All kinds of tunes. Alternative. Messianic. Country. Indie. Southern Rock, Hard Rock…just love to Rock!  Israel. Am Israel Chai. AENT~Aramaic English New Testament. Eye Opening! Gold! Science. Technology. Pain. Healing. Smiling. Sower of GOOD seeds. ~Switchfoot~ Hello Hurricane, you can’t silence my love. Vulnerable. Babylon in the rearview mirror.  Diaspora. Cast good bread on the water because in a few days you will eat of it. Introvert. Don’t break my trust…it will be almost impossible to earn back. Love your haters. Let them make themselves look like a@@holes. Because they will…and it is obvious. Don’t stoop.  Ready for Chanukah iiilliii Latke lover!!!!!!!!!  *Nutshell*

Accountability And Restitution...yes, they go together.


November 26, 2011
Accountability & Restitution (they go together)

Disclaimer:  I want to make it extremely clear that this teaching is not motivated by any one person or event.  There are a few folks who know me well that know this teaching has been on my heart for awhile and that it would come someday.   So let us enter in to the study and recieve YHWH’s word with gladness and embrace His Truth.  Amein?  Amein.
Psa 26:2

Examine me, ADONAI, test me, search my mind and heart.
Psa 139:23

Examine me, God, and know my heart; test me, and know my thoughts.
Psa 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, God; renew in me a resolute spirit.

Psa 51:6 Still, you want truth in the inner person; so make me know wisdom in my inmost heart.

Psa 33:11 But the counsel of ADONAI stands forever, his heart’s plans are for all generations.

Psa 40:10

I did not hide your righteousness in my hearthbut declared your faithfulness and salvation; I did not conceal your grace and truth from the great assembly.”
Psa 51:17

My sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; God, you won’t spurn a broken, chastened heart.
**Scripture Referenced from The Complete Jewish Bible.**

I have listed several scriptures above that deal with the heart.  In this note we will be discussing accountability.  I pray the Reader lets YHWH shine His light into every area of our heart.  It’s a vulnerable place to be indeed.  But when He shows us an area we need to work on, reveals to us something we need to repent of AND walk away from in Grace  we come out so much better and as a result we Glorify YHWH.  Don’t we all want to bring Glory to Him?

It is no secret that we will all be judged one day before His throne.  Also…Judgement begins with the House of G-d.  His judgements are righteous and just!  There is no error in Him.  He alone is Perfect in all His ways.

For several years now, I have wondered why I have not heard accountability for our actions preached from the pulpit.  I’ve heard all kinds of things preached (and alot of it was good and I held on to it while getting rid of other teachings) from we are under grace alone, the law is dead and nailed to the cross…both are WRONG. However these two things are not the topic of my note so I will move on to the point at hand…

Beloved! Forgiveness from on High and YHWH’s Mercy is a wonderful thing!  I know we can all agree on this.  His Lovingkindness is everlasting!  I never tired of hearing about His Mercy preached from the pulpit and watching someone recieve and become a new creation….EVER.  Still yet…in these 17-18 years in the “traditions of man church”  something was missing!!!    Accountibilty!  Personal accountibilty!


 Your sins as scarlet have been made whiter than snow!  The weight of the world is off your shoulders!  Your name has been written in the Lambs book of Life.  For several weeks things are GLORIOUS!!!  Heaven on earth….We were told in this life we would have tribulations but that we should take heart because Yahshua has overcome the world.  HE HAS!!!

My point is this—Not every “tribulation” or “persecution” or “problem”  we have is adversarial in orgin.  Pause and think on that for a minute.     Sometimes WE are the Problem!!!!!!  

Sometimes WE are the PROBLEM!!!  Hence, that is why He is the Potter and we are the clay!  Some never take those turns being exposed and molded on His wheel with those Loving Hands.

“Where on earth are you going with this?” Hang in there with me…may be a bumpy ride, but it is a ride I MYSELF have taken and am soo thankful for it!!  To be sure I WILL take this ride again in the future!  A Father corrects those He loves!!! A fool dispises correction and instruction!  Beloved not one of us is perfect! But we must GROW!!

In October 2009 I walked away from “church”.  I embraced YHWH’s Torah (Instructions that ARE STILL IN EFFECT!) and set out to begin my first year of  observing all the Feast of YHWH (Leviticus 23).  For the past few years the only one I had observed up until now was Yom Kippur.

So here I am…taking an even more narrow road than I had previously been on.  Suddenly the Bible was like a whole new book to me!  (I had studied it for years!)  But when I embraced His Truth…the Truth of walking in His Torah a Light came on inside of me!!!  So many dreams and visions I had over the years NOW made sense to me…He gave me the meanings!!   I noticed something else as I studied too!  More answers to something that had been weighing on my heart for at least a couple of years!!

Accountibility!   I found it in the Torah!!!  Here is but one example:

Exo 21:33

“If someone removes the cover from a cistern or digs one and fails to cover it, and an ox or donkey falls in,
Exo 21:34

the owner of the cistern must make good the loss by compensating the animal’s owner; but the dead animal will be his.
Exo 21:35

“If one person’s ox hurts another’s, so that it dies, they are to sell the live ox and divide the revenue from the sale; and they are also to divide the dead animal.
Exo 21:36

But if it is known that the ox was in the habit of goring in the past, and the owner did not confine it; he must pay ox for ox, but the dead animal will be his.

 Ok…Most of us don’t have oxen these days but my point is this:  If you cause harm or misfortune to come upon another human being in any way shape or form you MUST be accountable to YHWH and to the person you have caused the misfortune.  It is called restitution.

**To be accountable means to be responsible. To be responsible means to be reliable.  To be reliable means to be dependable.   This ultimatley is about being trustworthy, and YES!!! YHWH requires this of all of us.**

**To make restitution means to restore to a former state. To restore means to re-establish or re-new.  Makes you think of the scripture that states, “Renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Doesn’t it?**

YHWH has done much for us…all of us.  Whom is forgiven much LOVES much!! 

So when we sin…we miss the mark. Period.  We repent.  And Baruch Hashem! (Bless His Name!) We are forgiven! Walk free! Go and sin no more.  This is absolutley true!

**one caviat—-**

You hurt brother or sister so and so didn’t you?  Have you sincerely apologized?  Asked for thier forgiveness?

You were caught in a huge falsehood.  It also involved theft.  Have you been accountable?  Did you make restitution?  

Maybe the person you hurt…in whatever way was on the very cusp of embracing YHWH and living for Him.  And you brother or sister super Chrisitan gave them this example.  Hmmm…You are absolutley forgiven and cleansed of this offense by YHWH to be remembered no more BUT…You are required to be accountable for yourself and your actions!!    Do you need examples?


~My own father, with whom I am now estranged spent several years of his childhood in an orphanage.  For whatever reason his mother chose not to raise him.  He was one of the older children and responsibilty for the others naturally went to him which he did gladly.

He is an adult now and does not live for YHWH, in fact he is an ordained new age minister.  His mother had her life straightened out and she  lived for YHWH (she is now deceased).  Son had tried to adress issues with mother and find closure and healing to no avail.  He would try to talk to her about how he was hurt, all she could ever say was, “I’m forgiven. I’m forgiven.  YHWH doesn’t remember it any more and you shouldn’t either.”

How about, “Son, I was so troubled when you kids were young.  I couldn’t even find my own way and I know this resulted in hurtng you all.  Please forgive me. ”  And then proceed to tell him about her faith. 

Do you know he actually used this as an example to me for why he wants nothing to do with YHWH?

~One person told me that they are tired of seeing “christians” looking pious and holy at meal time and “making” a big show of blessing the food and then watching them live out thier life in all lewdness, gossiping, lying, cheating,  falsehoods….”Doesn’t make me want to run to church and participate.”  He actually told me.

~How about the youth pastors and “church” leaders selling controlled substances from thier home?  True story….it is no secret.

~Anyone who walks around with an air of peity but quite plainly treats others like dirt.  Loves to gossip.

~How many work with “christians” (and I hope you the reader are not one) that treat thier co-workers terrible?    I know of a couple of “full gospel” evangelist that I actually dread having to deal with…because they are mean!


I think I’ll stop there.  Beloved our righteousness is as filthy rags and an abnomination before YHWH.  It has always been a red flag to me when upon meeting a person for the first time they go to great lengths to tell me how “chrisitan” they are.

One of my favorite quotes from St. Francis of Assisi:

“Preach the Gospel at all times.  And, when necessary…use words.”

Shalom Chaverim!


Filed under Truth Torah accountability restitution the way grace

I'll get to due time.

Often I've got a weird look or two regarding my handle. Haven gotten several, "oh, that's cool." I've only hand one person ask me where on earth I came up with that!! I came up with quite randomly. I just needed a user name...the grasshoppers were chirping relentlessly outside and, BINGO! It stuck!

Over the years I would ponder the handle from time to time and realized its actually more to me than a random user name created from listening to the harmonious chirps outside my window.

I'll blog all about it at some point. Time crunched for now.

Be well and Be Blessed!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Why? Here's why...

Why observe the Feast of YHWH?
Sunday, February 14, 2010 at 6:29pm ·
I've had this disscusion with a friend of mine and found this worth sharing again as I have used this also as an example for walking the way I walk to others. Hope some find this helpful.

When I am questioned about keeping the festivals, I explain that they are called the Feast of the L-RD for a reason. (Not the feast of the Jew. HOWEVER they were given for observance to the children of Israel AND the sojourners among them. I mean no disrespect in explaining it like this to my Jewish achilem. Israel is the apple of YHWH I and I continually pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and the salvation of the Jewish people.) I also explain to them Joshua 6 when ... Joshua encountered the Angel of the L-rd of Host and Joshua asked Him..."which side are you on?" And the Angel of the L-rd of Host replied, "Niether." Joshua chose which side he was on...not vice versa. :)


Revisiting Fruit!!

This one gets me all stirred up again...this time in a good way. This briefly explains what I believe about my faith in YHWH and many folks were many more coming to false assumptions and not bothering to ask.

Good fruit grows from a Good root.
Sunday, February 14, 2010 at 9:01pm ·
Foundation check! Wake up call!!

I, and I am sure you the reader don't want to be like the man who built his house on the sand that Yahshua speaks of in the gospels.

We are given a solid foundation to build upon. In fact 5 pillars! They are:


These five books are commonly known as the Torah. The rest of ALL scripture builds upon and expounds on these 5 books! IN FACT....IN FACT...the books of our New Covenant did NOT EVEN make the cut UNLESS they lined up with the TORAH! Don't believe me? Just pay attention to all those foot notes the next time you are studying in the New Covenant. TONS and TONS of references to the Torah and the Prophets of the Old Covenant.

Remember John 1? In the beginning was the Word? Yahshua is the Living Word, right? Right!

This means that Yahshua is the Living Torah!! See?

Beloved...the Word of YHWH is ONE book. Not two. And the foundation of the WHOLE book is the Torah.

I love all of YHWH's word and study ALL of it but I am paying special attention now to what the Torah states. This is how it was intended to be all along!

The early congregations of followers of Yahshua didn't have New Covenant books laying around. All they had were the letters of the New Covenant that were in circulation...some had a few here...others a few there...but no one had all of them.

One thing they did have was the Torah! And Yahshua Himself read the Torah faithfully every Sabbath! Remember when He opened the scrolls and read, "The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me..." He was reading from the Torah.

We must all examine our foundation in this hour! It is crucial!



I want to leave the reader with this thought:

There are 17 different greek words for "Law" in the New Covenant! Sometimes Paul is talking about NATURAL laws (i.e. sin and death), sometimes he is speaking of CIVIL ROMAN law, sometimes PHARISAIC law, and then...AND THEN!! The Law of YHWH (commonly known as the Torah as referenced above). His Torah. Torah means instruction. IF we are led by the Ruach haKodesh (Holy Spirit) we are not under man's laws (i.e. Pharisaic, Papal, Seminary, Doctrines, etc) BUT we have the Law of Messiah!! His Torah...the Law of YHWH!!

Paul himself even said he was under the Law of Messiah which is YHWH's Torah...also known as Mosaic law!

I leave you with a verse to ponder:

Romans 9:20-24

He is the Potter. We are the clay. Let us let Him have His way in all things!

Ahava (love), Shalom (peace), and Simcha (joy) be multiplied to all who hear and recieve the Word of YHWH!

Psalm 119.